Wednesday, 9 May 2007


I had a bad day at work today. Someone whom I thought has changed has slipped back to their old self of being someone with more than one face. Of course, there would be others who would say that this person did not change at all but was merely putting on a mask very successfully. Well, either way, I was really hurt. I've always been one who believes in being honest. We can all always agree to disagree. Why would someone find it better and easier to put on a different face with different people just to keep them happy? Why in the world would this person ever think that being a hypocrite is more peaceful? Well, in my opinion, you are disrespecting the people who honour you by being honest to you.

I was brought up on the moral value of honesty being the best policy and we will bring up our children on that too (well, most of us will). But in the cut throat world of the "working people", you see ever so often, people with the worst work ethic always coming out on top. And then, when you have a mother like me, whom after 12 years of working life is always a loser because of holding on to my so-called "principles", am I setting up my children for heartache by bringing them up on my set of values? I already see that TM is going to be another me. She is exactly like me; there is only black or white. No grey.

As I always tell my best friend LP, I am such a flawed character. Even if my life depended on it, I cannot bring myself to lie or even be misleading. That is how god made me. It has got me into trouble most of my life and it will plague me until my last breath.

Make no mistake, I would rather my children NOT be like me. I would want them to have the foundation of knowing that honesty is the best policy but I would rather that they have the gift of knowing how to be politically astute (without being a hypocrite) in order to save themselves from sharing the fate of their mother.

And its not as though I'm so righteous. I'm just flawed. I see so many of my good friends who are NOT hypocrites AND are able to be honest without being "brutally honest". I should strive to be more like the people I admire.

Goodbye bad day! I'm having a bright and cheery Thursday!

p/s My superhero arrived safely in sabah about an hour ago. Apparently, she managed to negotiate "permission" from the Air Asia stewardess into allowing her to consume her doughnut which was not purchased on board. And then, she told her auntie and uncle very loudly, "The auntie said I can eat my doughnut. Why did you ask me to hide it until the auntie went away?"??!!



I suppose in this cruel world of ours, being brutally honest and frank may not be accpetable to some people.

and that's the honest truth.

take care

Hi&Lo said...

Wah, your superhero could make the stewardess break house rule.

Discovered your blog from your comment in Nuraina's.

In a way I am like you as far as principles are concerned. Needless to say, we share the same fate at work.

What keeps me going is faith that is bigger than reality.

Supposing our time and ability and all that we have are like seeds, we must sow them. We leave to God to decide how they may sprout out or not at all.
