Its been a while since I blogged. It was a conscious decision; there were tough decisions to be made. Well, everything is decided now and I am looking forward to the rest of my life. 10 top things I've learnt while on my blogging break:-
1) I have a wonderful husband who will buy me flowers at the drop of a hat if he can afford it!
2) I have been blessed with more than ONE best friend who will stand by me through thick and thin, rain or shine, in sickness and in health and tell me if I am being an ass!
3) God took one man away from me early in life but gave me an equally worthy man who has and continues to take me through life.
4) Despite my love-hate relationship with my mum (who has been both mother and father), I will be "broken" when it is her time to join her husband in heaven. (yes, I am sure she is going to heaven!).
5)My family, friends and loved ones are the most important people in my life. I will continue to make time for them and cherish them as nothing in the world is more important than that.
6)No job is worth sacrificing your principles and loved ones.
7)Money is important in life but there are many other things which come before it.
8)Don't waste your time defending yourself when the parties involved mean nothing to you. Whatever they take from you, god will give you back in so many other beautiful ways.
9) Every cloud HAS a silver lining (it is a proven fact)
10) Forgive but never forget. Forgiveness helps you move on with life but never forgetting keeps you safe.
I'm still bleeding from all the back stabbing I've experienced but I am alive and kicking. I will never allow myself to be bitter and resentful. That is not me and that will never be me. I live and love with passion. Nothing and no one will take that away from me.
Life is good and I've been blessed.
1 comment:
Well said.
You have gone through "hell" but the important thing is that you are back. Yes, yes ...we need to focus on people and things that matters. Count our blessings everyday, live our life to the fullest and let GOD deals with the rest.
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